Thursday, July 23, 2009

summer news..


I got myself a boring job as a cashier in a supermarket... ugly green uniform, and maybe the only store in the world that doesn't have any background music. However, lots of people I used to know that drop in every day. so, nice to catch up a bit!

I'm moving to Århus, Denmark in the end of August to finish my last year at the KaosPilots. Anybody have any tips as for housing, please let me know!

I'm planning to paint a house.. just hope that the weather will change again so I won't have to hold an umbrella in one hand during the job.

Trying to find myself a mini pc.. know of any good deals?

yeah.. that is about it, lazy summer days =)

Sunday, June 28, 2009

The king of pop

So.... as everyone knows.. The Great, has now become the late. Michael Jackson is dead.
Rest in peace..

now, we have all said it, so please let the dude rest in peace!
I've seen and heard of plans for concerts, songs, events, cd's, dress up as MJ parties, probably movies. who knows. and I think it is great that people want to show tribute to what we can probably all agree is a man whom was in a way a musical genius. but why are people trying to make money off a person that just died?

Is it only me that find it a bit strange to make the guy all trendy and popular just because he died?
Will everybody still be as interested in playing his music again in 3weeks when all the drama has died out abit?

MJ, your music was great, all people trying to jump on the trendy train by making a buck on a dead dude... eat a muffin

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

the sea f the Dead

So, back in Israel..
from nice old little Norway, to crazy Tel Aviv, then a day later, off to the desert (I prefer sandy forest.. can't be a desert if there is shrubbery? even if the shrubs are full of thorns and crap...). anyway, some beige colderd landscape on a mountain!
Sitting becoming spiritual and strange.. using new ways to discover old insight and passion.. was really nice..
the thing I like the best was to sit with Billy the Dung Beatle, both of us enjoying some salted sunflowerseeds, me talking, and old Billy giving me nods of wisdom.. doesn't say much, but a clever fellow..
anyway, it was great to look down one direction and see the sunrise into the vally, and look down in the other direction and see that it was already night there.. fantastic!

We left from the mountain, and the Kibutz we stayed at today, I traveld first in the back of a scary old truck, things flying everywhere, and me sitting in the back singing formyself and doing situps.. kind of nice.. didn't get that much of the view though...
then took a looong bus, and voila, the deadsea.
and voila.. I went to get a pint.. 40+degrees, thats hot for a Jessheim boy!

told short, it was a boring place, very fun to try float around in the water.. DAM how much salt.. felt like somebody was raping my eye when I got just a little drop of the salty water on it..

but, for a spa vacation, doubt you can find a much better place.. QUE chill just to ly and float around there...

can't get this quote out of my head..."here is a tip; Don't pat a burning dog"
know where its from? =)

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Sitting in my grandparents basement in Norway.. have to leave for the airport in 2hours..

Been home for a week to take som exams, so I can get student loans. didn't really go too good..
but, thats not really what this post is about..

it is so strange to be in Norway again, Think I experienced a reversed culture shock...
Imagine that for almost half a year, you haven't been in a propper home, you can't understand the languages that are around you, you constantly feel like a stranger to everything you do and everywhere you go..
then vosj, you are where you grew up, surrounded by friends and family, people that you know and love, and people that know and love you.. and maybe even understand you some times.

apart from the insane prices, you understand how the society works, you never find yourself being afraid of some terrorist bombing, you get to eat you grandmothers home made strawberry jam (best in the world).

Reality check is a good word.. yes, there is alot of things happening in the world.. even lots of very important, horrible, great, and strange things happening in other countries than Israel...
but.. I only have one home, and no matter how much I move, travel, experience etc around the world in the future.. that is really important to never forget, who are you really? how does what you do and learn on a day to day basis translate to being of use when you go home again?

in short, I would love to stay here longer, but, I am looking forward to get my hands on some good humus tommorow evning! =)

Sunday, May 24, 2009

I wonder..

Sitting at a café today..
see this big big man walking, he bends over to pick up his little child that is running around..
when he bends over you can't help but see that, yes, this man is carrying a gun.
Not too unheard of in this country.
and that is the main point of my wonder..
why do you need a gun?
fine if you feel that some arabs might come and attack you at any time.
but, how will a little revovler help you if you suddenly hear "allah akbar" from the floor underneath you..

so I wonder, have I found maybe the stupedist reason ever as to why guns are bad?

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

a quicky

Sorry, haven't been a good boy with a propper update for a long time now..
suddenly in the upstart of creating a concept for a green store that is to sell products to inform about and help reduce the amounts of energy we spend in our daily lives.
cool project, but a good bit of work
if you have som green ideas, let me know!

Apart from that, I'm still looking for a good summer job, that can also be abit fun, and I'm looking into different options and offers at to how I'm going to combine my last year at the KaosPilots with projects that I want to do, and getting enough money for food etc..

and the sun is getting hotter here by the day... nice actually =)

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

holy stuff..., yeah

So..... finally got myself out of Tel aviv for a couple of days...
and now I'm back...
Been in Jeruslem..

started with a buss, me sitting on it, almost shaking, feeling of something bad is going to happen..
well, I'm still alive, so, guess I was wrong.. think I got ripped of by some guys in the small market stands.. butbut..

Jerusalem (the new city that is) remeinds me of any other city in the world, it has a nice charm to it with almost everything built in bright bricks.. but.. thats not why you go there..
I was at a hostel in the old city.. sweetest view from the roof terrace..

strange to be walking around in a city, THE city.. how many people haven't been killed because of that little old city, or at least the places within...

Saw the west wall, was at the temple mound, and the crazy church where all the different christians priests gladly would hurt each other to be able to claim just another cm of the church for their own church..
nice to feel abit into the religious vibe, see the emotions in the belivers, they start crying their eyes out when they see a stone that Jesus slipped on 2000years ago...
hmm..yeah.. think its all still to fresh in my system to explain more propperly.. so.. I won't.. off to the beach instead..

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

working together...

I'm using more and more time and mental powers to try and dig into the secrets and possible anwers of the question:
how do we work together, even if we are not in the same place?
it's a tough coockie.. but really interesting..
what are your viewpoints?
leave a comment or send a mail! =)


Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Indipendence day part 2.

Well.. what a bummer..
I was really hoping to fins something that surprized me. as I often do in this city..
but alas.. this day has been really boring..
almost no one in the streets.. and everybody almost was doing bbq... couldn't really find anything special happening apart from an airshow this morning...

wouldn't think I had to plan ahead for getting in on celebrating an indipendence day..
ah well..guess I learned that at least today then...

Indipendence day part 1.

Israel is happy to have a birthday party, and everyone is invited (well, not the Arabs i guess..).
In my search for whats it like to live, work, learn in Tel Aviv, I had been really looking forward to this day, sitting on my 7th floor roof, I kind of get a good feeling of whats happening in the streets around. I was going to write a long text about this day, what it feels like, smells like, looks like..
but I've been told, that nothing happens. apart from the fact that everybody wakes up hungover, goes to the beach or a park, and has a BBQ.

So, off for the rest of the day, to walk the streets, and hopefully find something different..

stay tuned..

Sunday, April 26, 2009


So.. guess the title actually told what I had to say...
I just can't get used to this waking up early on a sunday, and then starting to work.. I feel punished by higher powers when everyone at home is chilling out, having a nice day off, and I'm just starting my new and long week..
had a great day in the sun yesterday, but I'm used to 2day weekends, hardy had a day off since I got here.. not sure what I would do if I did have one, but, just lying on the beach, reflecting, sounds nice to me..

hoping to find out when I can take a little time just for small trips in the villages close to Tel Aviv.. have to see something apart from this city..

still think it is strange also how the day starts when it gets dark.. so shabbat/sabbath start on friday, everything closed.. and lasts untill saturday night.. basically, the one day you might have time to do something, everything is closed.. so you can't do it... strangé..

peace be with you friend or random person reading this blog.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


ever used time to think about how much easier life is when you have a washing machine?
I'm really happy right now, I'm getting my stuff nice and clean now, but.. que stress!
Just noticed that I still have some stuff hanging and drying in the sun in Tsila's (thank you =>) garden. I picked up a shirt from drycleaning yesterday, and I have a load of clothes as a laundry service here around the street.. what a mess.. what an easy and comfortable life I would live with such luxury as a place to hang wet clothing to dry, or a shower with icecold water that I could use whenever I want..

fun to realize how much I take stuff like that for granted..

if you happen to be in the area and can't find me at the hub or in the many streets just walking around, look for me at "the little prince" my new favorite place in the world for sitting, looking smart, thinking stupid. que fantastico!

ps. check out a brand called sanük.. super sweet sandals, I'm in love
as they say, smile, pass it on


Monday, April 20, 2009

more Tel Aviv and stuff..

just when you think that you have understood a city, realized that its like a slightly more exotic than normal european city, you take one wrong turn that leads you on a 4hour discovery bonanza, you see that crap, this place is just crazy..
and then, beeing happy knowing that you are in a place that is great but crazy and at times abit crap.. you might find youself walking down one of the main streets, then you see bats flying through the trees, swopping down at innocent passers by...
what city with millions of people wondering aroun had bats in their city centre?

its been a bit of an uncomfertable time for me, been reading about bomb factories found in the westbank underneath moskes.
The norwegian embassy strongly advising people to stay away from the Ghaza area, and from larger groups of people...not too easy when you are in a bigass city
standing waiting for a bus on a nice and silent evning, suddenly 20 police and what not cars with flashing lights and sirens fly past.. like som badass chase in the states that you can see on tv.

Have the feeling that I could be writing for hours, maybe days already, but not really sure what I would be writing about then, yes, I'm meeting lots of great people, seeing some very inspiering places etc, but, I*m missing something that I can't put my finger on what is yet.

anybody have a suggestion for what the perfect life could be? think that might be my holy grail.
devote my life to finding the perfect life, would be nice

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

easter irritation

a quick look at facebook gave me the impression that the percentage of people posting pictures every week has gone up 5fold during easter..
but why?!?!
in norway, the typical easter holidy is up to a cabin in a mountain, take some long trips on wooden planks fastened to your feet, then sit in and around the cabin, drinking and eating good stuff...
and thats great!

but why the hell do we take pictures of it so much?
everyody knows that you most probably will do this very thing, isn't a picture something you take to save a special memory? what so special about this cabin thing??!?!

I would like to ask that people celebrating easter in a very different way take and post some pictures instead, show me something that makes me think you are a person that is trying to bring something different to the world. Not that your a person that has to publish your a4 holiday pics, so that others won't think that you're socially unacceptable..

freezer pizza and chocco milk easter dinner 2010.. yes please!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

The next phase

We've been in Israel for a bit over 2 weeks, on the onw hand, it seems like 2 years, on the other, it seems like 2 seconds..

I've been looking for some pictures that can explain everything that is going through my mind, but, for some odd reason, I haven't been able to find the perfect one..

I'm starting to think that maybe there is something to Karma.. be nice, feel good about yourself, and good things will come to you..
the last couple of days, I didn't plan anything.. yet I had some great days!
was invited to go to a synagog (no clue how to spell that in English), it was a great experience!, I've been attending Jewish dinners (thanks Sara and Sarit!), getting massages in parks (thanks massage lady that I don't remember the name of), simply seeing a different side of the city.
Until now our class has been surrounded by people that are abit more left winged politically, great to get the perspectives of some people that look at things from a different side!
I've met random people that have totally surprised me. Like my taxi driver yesterday, he was suddenly speaking Danish (understandable danish, not the grumpy aggresive local stuff), and telling me about all his random encounters the last couple of days.. crazy how much unimportant, yet interesting crap we had in common. fantastic!

all in all, things are good, apart from the ongoing fight with some dam insects (think it might be flees) that are eating me upp.. about 20 new bites last night... auch!

The team (my class) just left for the westbank this morning, they are going to stay there for a month, while I'm staying alone in Tel Aviv since I'm scared as hell to go to the occupied terretories, have a feeling that if I go there, something really bad is gonna happen.
It's a great challenge and possibility for me to be here, work as the contact person between the team and the world! Also I have the mission of discovering what it is like to be part of a team, but in a different physical location, and what it is like to work, live and cope in a jewish society.

Yes, this will be good I think..

anything you want to know? about what I'm up to, what it's like here etc.. let me know..

stay tuned

ps, it really suckes not using snus anymore.. but, going on a month nicotin fri now!!!!


Sunday, April 5, 2009

Israel take 2..

Still the same take.. but second week I guess......

some things that have made me smile the last week..

sitting on a bus, young girl with designer sunglasses, army uniform, pants halfway down her ass, and her gun pointing in every direction.. and the other passengers not even looking twice at her.. odd that people are so used to see weapons around them..

Saturdays.. Everything is supposed to be closed here on saturdays.. "on the 7th day he rested" as it says in the bible.. however, Tel Aviv is known as a bubble..always find some small sandwich shops open, 24hour shops, busses start driving again at 17:00 ... don't really get the point of it yet.. but, I'm sure I will..

This Saturday we spent the entire day (from 3 to 6 or 7 if your gonna be difficult...) at the beach.. fantastic to know that when it's getting all eastery at home, I can ly on the beach and get burned... it is niiice, really helps me chill out abit!

I.. was going to wright something funny .. don't remember what it was... ah well..
maybe it'll show up some other time..

gonna try and put up some pictures soon, found a crazy house with vacume cleaners strapped in the air all around it... strangé...


Sunday, March 29, 2009

Israel 1.0

So.... I'm in Israel I guess...

woke up really early on friday morning.. or rather, never fell asleep, was up all night, watching old kungfu movies to keep myself awake..
long boring plane... came into a landing.. everybody started clapping when they realized they had survived.. odd..
Israel.. flat land, lots of shrubs.. look abit like the desert in a spaghetti western..
I'm living on a crap couch in a ghetto.. the people are nice there though..

haven't got a phone card yet...
had lots of good food, and am really really looking forward to having more..

there are gangs of cats roaming the streets..
dogs that are crazy.. met one yesterday that snapped into one of the guys' arm, and made a lasting impression on the face of another...
and the Dog is still alive.. crazy!
at home we would put this mut to sleep 5min after the first attack.. right?!

looking forward to landing here in a propper way.. so far, I don't feel I've seen anything apart from the ghetto...
the creative industries I'm hunting for are probably hidden in a bit more middle class areas... so, have to find them soon.

but now.. to the beach to look at the waves abit.. still abit too cold to go for a swim..


Thursday, March 26, 2009

been up all night.. packing.. cleaning.. getting picked up by a cab in like... 5min..
off to Israel today!!

will try to keep updating as much as possible depending on internet acces when I'm there..
so.. stay tuned!

Monday, March 23, 2009


is it a myth? or is it real...? isn't it just when you see something from a different point of view than others?

and I'm back

So I've been really bad at updating here for a while....
lets just say that I've been stuck in the vally of dark..
still looking a bit for the right path to reach the light.. BUT, on Saturday
well, on Saturday I have no clue as to what is happening... but, on Friday, then I'm leaving for Israel, and that... that my friends should be rather nice

looking forward to it.. MUCHO!

know of anything suuper important that I should remember to fix before I leave?

let me know fo show!


Wednesday, March 4, 2009


as my "O so many people that read this blog" may or may not know..
Team 1 of the KaosPilots in Rotterdam (that's me and my class mates) are going to travel to Israel/Palestine int he end of march. There we are going to live work and learn for three months.

Since I was like.. 16, I've had an addiction to a Scandinavian tobacco called Snus.
I've tries a couple of times to quite.. but never really put any effort into it.. and therfore it has never worked at all..
I now realized that I don't have a choice anymore.. I HAVE to quit..
have a feeling that Israeli customs won't know what Snus is, just see it as some black powderd thingy and take me for a terrorist.. or something.. so.. no Snus there..
not to mention the money I will be able to save.... MUCHO!!

So, now I am on purpose forcing myself through a program of cutting down, in other words, not cutting it out.. but trying in a propper way to cut down on the addiction before I cut it out..
let just say I understand now why they say that it's harder to stop ith Snus than heroin..
my body is shaking, and sick and I feel like crap..

So.. if anybody has the urge to feel sorry for me..
or has some great tips on stuff to do in Israel or ways of getting funding to help with projects or flights or housing there... please do let me know =)

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

the PLease help me with this shit list

ok, so, I have, as always, alot of different things on my mind...
and yet again, way too many of them are connected to money
in an honest attempt to not have to focus so much on cash.. I simply throwing up some things I need help with, and maybe karma will shine on me in a slightly more comfertable way..

- Have to Pay school fees after summer.
- Have to eat, have a place to sleep and a way to live a life
- Need a summer job from stat of July to end of august
- Need a place to stay in Israel from april to june
- would like a new nice white shirt
- some ben & jerrys ice cream would be greeeeeeeat
- I would love to attend a course to learn how to build furniture, weld and scuba dive..

ok, probably lots of stuff.. but I guess that summerjob was the most important right now..

think I'm moving into the basement this week by the way as to save rent.. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Monday, February 23, 2009


that made me think that I actually made a new motto/mantra sett of principles/values.. call it whatever the hell you want to really.. at least 4factors that I'm going to try and make sure I do in every aspect of my life, and in every thing I do from now on..

"Live, Laugh, Love, Learn, and maybe not in that order"

might sound corny, but it works great for me!

wonder what like the strangest mantra somebody has ever had has been, and not one they said to be strange, but just simply was reallly strange..
3 great sentences for problem/conflict solving..

Don't fix what isn't broken.
Find what works, and do more of it.
Stop doing what doesn't work, and do something else!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

I want to learn something new I think

But what??!?!

should it be some strange language?
a new sport?
a strange craft?
an almost unknown instrument?
some fantastic theory on the way the mind works?

help me find inspiration to what I should have as my new hobby!!

thank you

I was just wondering..

What would a society be without the words "thank you" or any of the other many different words with the same meaning?

Are there any languages on this O so strange planet of ours that don't contain a word for it?

If we didn't have the word, would we not appreciate things? Not show it? Or simply just not have a word for it?

Could it be that if that word wasn't invented it could have had an effect on the human race that made us all grumpy and cruel? Could it mean that there wouldn't be joy in the world?
No birthday parties?
No chocolate pudding?

I'm glad some random person started to use that word..
so to whomever you are..

thank you

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Do you ever make sure to have some secrets just for yourself?
simply to know that you have some small treasures that are yours alone?

was thinking, has anybody ever tried to write down stuff that makes them happy?
if you get a compliment, see something strange that just makes you smile..
how about writing them on small tiny tiny peices of paper.. curling them up, and just leaving them at random in your pockets.. or maybe collecting them all in a puch around your neck..

anybody done it?
let me know! =)

Monday, January 26, 2009

the glory of beeing super creative...

I love to read books and watch movies that are.. well, somewhat in the fantasy family..
what I really like about them is the way that sometimes you find this entirely different reality.
I've "visited" worlds in water, under ground, in space, in the clouds.. even a world that is shaped as a huge disc carried on the back of 4huge circeling elephants that again are on top of a huge turtle just swimming through space...

if you were to create a world.. what would it be like? who would live there? what would they eat? how would they communicate? would they have religion?

Friday, January 23, 2009

me and my movies...
rather.. me and my great quotes from movies..

"this is a miracle, just not the time of miracle one hopes to see..."

so.. with all religous stuff put aside... crack that nutt! =)

Sunday, January 18, 2009

JUST finished seeing the movie Yes Man.. gotta admit, I loved it!
just a couple of months ago I was thinking about what it would be like if you just said yes to everything... and voops, there the movie is.. great stuff...
to give it a rating.... 5 out of 6 on the feelgood movie scale.. couldn't get all the way up simply bacause they could have gone even more crazy with it.
however.. recommended to all.. so.. go for it!
why would somebody use a shitload of money.. get a house with 35bathrooms (!!!!!!!!) 6kitchens (!!!!!) and who knows what.. when they use half of their time on the road and are unable to enjoy it?

watching MTV cribs.. they are showing 50cent's (stupid name) house.. if you want to live that much in luxary.. isn't it actually against the point?
I meen, I would get fucking tiered just walking around all the time getting from one room to another.. imagine trying to find your kids if they are hiding and you have to hurry to get to the cinema or something.. must be grrrrrrrrreat to play hide and seek in though..

the world suddenly seems unfair.. one bum has a way to great place like that.. and I'm living in the ghetto.. strange.. and he's the one that is proud to be from the ghetto.. I like to think that I'm middle class. hehehe

ah well, guess somebody has to have too much cash...

Friday, January 16, 2009

from the movie the note book

"you want some breakfast?"
"Dad, it's 10 o'clock at night, it's too late for breakfast!"
"what are you talking about, its never to late for pannecakes, now get in the house!"

ok, so it wasn't correct word by word.. but the essential was there... loved it =)

wish somebody made me some.. naaam

Sunday, January 11, 2009


first of all... why do tey spell it colour in one place, and color another.. fucking anoying me..
I'm all for indivuality etc.. but some things could and should be the same all over the world..
spelling of the same language, driving on the same side of the road, systems for counting, messuring, electrical plugs etc etc...


I have always liked the colour black..
not in the way that I can sit and watch a black wall for hours and be fascinated and inspired...
but like that it is very simple, goes with everythink... great for wear simply..

latley.. I have started to get the same with white..
(yeah, know alot of people say that black, and especially white aren't colours at all...
but you can go fuck yourself =p (sorry for the language mom..))
white is so clean... and with black.. it's just so... simple.. nice..
I decided I want to create a room formyself when I get a house... make everything white.. roof, walls, floor, couches.. EVERYTHING.. just sit in the steril room, look out and get inspired from what is happening around me.. naaam!


during the summer (actually winter, christmas in australia.. they call it summer.. back to the point of having things simular worldwide....), I got a tan.. and saw lots of different colours everywhere... and decided.. hmm..
I actually like the...
sea blue..
sun yellow
bottle green..

so.. think I have to trey to pull a little but more colour in my life..
but only in the small details.. think that will make me smile even more.. watch out!! =)

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

living in the moment..

Do you really ever stop to smell the roses?
let your fingers brush against the long grass growing on the side of the road?
smile to yourself at the crunching sound snow makes under your boot?

do you sometimes take the time and effort to eat something you don't like, just so that when you get something you really like, you can enjoy that even more?
Do you ever burp, and smell it?
or fart, and wave the smell in the direction fo somebody else?

ever been to the beach, got lots of sand stuck between your toes, used lots of time to remove every last bit of itt, to then only jump around in the sand, making sure they get everybit as covered again?

do you do things that are stupid, just because it is fun to do stupid things?
do you do things that are nice, just to be kind to yourself?
or just because they are nice?
or just because you can?

maybe you should?

please share if you have others simular or totally different activities that could be in this type of a list.. after all, sharing is caring, or so they say =)