Monday, January 26, 2009

the glory of beeing super creative...

I love to read books and watch movies that are.. well, somewhat in the fantasy family..
what I really like about them is the way that sometimes you find this entirely different reality.
I've "visited" worlds in water, under ground, in space, in the clouds.. even a world that is shaped as a huge disc carried on the back of 4huge circeling elephants that again are on top of a huge turtle just swimming through space...

if you were to create a world.. what would it be like? who would live there? what would they eat? how would they communicate? would they have religion?

Friday, January 23, 2009

me and my movies...
rather.. me and my great quotes from movies..

"this is a miracle, just not the time of miracle one hopes to see..."

so.. with all religous stuff put aside... crack that nutt! =)

Sunday, January 18, 2009

JUST finished seeing the movie Yes Man.. gotta admit, I loved it!
just a couple of months ago I was thinking about what it would be like if you just said yes to everything... and voops, there the movie is.. great stuff...
to give it a rating.... 5 out of 6 on the feelgood movie scale.. couldn't get all the way up simply bacause they could have gone even more crazy with it.
however.. recommended to all.. so.. go for it!
why would somebody use a shitload of money.. get a house with 35bathrooms (!!!!!!!!) 6kitchens (!!!!!) and who knows what.. when they use half of their time on the road and are unable to enjoy it?

watching MTV cribs.. they are showing 50cent's (stupid name) house.. if you want to live that much in luxary.. isn't it actually against the point?
I meen, I would get fucking tiered just walking around all the time getting from one room to another.. imagine trying to find your kids if they are hiding and you have to hurry to get to the cinema or something.. must be grrrrrrrrreat to play hide and seek in though..

the world suddenly seems unfair.. one bum has a way to great place like that.. and I'm living in the ghetto.. strange.. and he's the one that is proud to be from the ghetto.. I like to think that I'm middle class. hehehe

ah well, guess somebody has to have too much cash...

Friday, January 16, 2009

from the movie the note book

"you want some breakfast?"
"Dad, it's 10 o'clock at night, it's too late for breakfast!"
"what are you talking about, its never to late for pannecakes, now get in the house!"

ok, so it wasn't correct word by word.. but the essential was there... loved it =)

wish somebody made me some.. naaam

Sunday, January 11, 2009


first of all... why do tey spell it colour in one place, and color another.. fucking anoying me..
I'm all for indivuality etc.. but some things could and should be the same all over the world..
spelling of the same language, driving on the same side of the road, systems for counting, messuring, electrical plugs etc etc...


I have always liked the colour black..
not in the way that I can sit and watch a black wall for hours and be fascinated and inspired...
but like that it is very simple, goes with everythink... great for wear simply..

latley.. I have started to get the same with white..
(yeah, know alot of people say that black, and especially white aren't colours at all...
but you can go fuck yourself =p (sorry for the language mom..))
white is so clean... and with black.. it's just so... simple.. nice..
I decided I want to create a room formyself when I get a house... make everything white.. roof, walls, floor, couches.. EVERYTHING.. just sit in the steril room, look out and get inspired from what is happening around me.. naaam!


during the summer (actually winter, christmas in australia.. they call it summer.. back to the point of having things simular worldwide....), I got a tan.. and saw lots of different colours everywhere... and decided.. hmm..
I actually like the...
sea blue..
sun yellow
bottle green..

so.. think I have to trey to pull a little but more colour in my life..
but only in the small details.. think that will make me smile even more.. watch out!! =)

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

living in the moment..

Do you really ever stop to smell the roses?
let your fingers brush against the long grass growing on the side of the road?
smile to yourself at the crunching sound snow makes under your boot?

do you sometimes take the time and effort to eat something you don't like, just so that when you get something you really like, you can enjoy that even more?
Do you ever burp, and smell it?
or fart, and wave the smell in the direction fo somebody else?

ever been to the beach, got lots of sand stuck between your toes, used lots of time to remove every last bit of itt, to then only jump around in the sand, making sure they get everybit as covered again?

do you do things that are stupid, just because it is fun to do stupid things?
do you do things that are nice, just to be kind to yourself?
or just because they are nice?
or just because you can?

maybe you should?

please share if you have others simular or totally different activities that could be in this type of a list.. after all, sharing is caring, or so they say =)