Wednesday, May 13, 2009

holy stuff..., yeah

So..... finally got myself out of Tel aviv for a couple of days...
and now I'm back...
Been in Jeruslem..

started with a buss, me sitting on it, almost shaking, feeling of something bad is going to happen..
well, I'm still alive, so, guess I was wrong.. think I got ripped of by some guys in the small market stands.. butbut..

Jerusalem (the new city that is) remeinds me of any other city in the world, it has a nice charm to it with almost everything built in bright bricks.. but.. thats not why you go there..
I was at a hostel in the old city.. sweetest view from the roof terrace..

strange to be walking around in a city, THE city.. how many people haven't been killed because of that little old city, or at least the places within...

Saw the west wall, was at the temple mound, and the crazy church where all the different christians priests gladly would hurt each other to be able to claim just another cm of the church for their own church..
nice to feel abit into the religious vibe, see the emotions in the belivers, they start crying their eyes out when they see a stone that Jesus slipped on 2000years ago...
hmm..yeah.. think its all still to fresh in my system to explain more propperly.. so.. I won't.. off to the beach instead..

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