Sunday, April 5, 2009

Israel take 2..

Still the same take.. but second week I guess......

some things that have made me smile the last week..

sitting on a bus, young girl with designer sunglasses, army uniform, pants halfway down her ass, and her gun pointing in every direction.. and the other passengers not even looking twice at her.. odd that people are so used to see weapons around them..

Saturdays.. Everything is supposed to be closed here on saturdays.. "on the 7th day he rested" as it says in the bible.. however, Tel Aviv is known as a bubble..always find some small sandwich shops open, 24hour shops, busses start driving again at 17:00 ... don't really get the point of it yet.. but, I'm sure I will..

This Saturday we spent the entire day (from 3 to 6 or 7 if your gonna be difficult...) at the beach.. fantastic to know that when it's getting all eastery at home, I can ly on the beach and get burned... it is niiice, really helps me chill out abit!

I.. was going to wright something funny .. don't remember what it was... ah well..
maybe it'll show up some other time..

gonna try and put up some pictures soon, found a crazy house with vacume cleaners strapped in the air all around it... strangé...


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