Sunday, March 16, 2008

well... some things just came to mind...

- last weekend, I think somebody got killed down the street, 5big police vans, not cars.. vans... tape keeping people away, ugly old police woman looking angry at everybody that passed... in other words.. I think I live in the ghetto... and in a way, I like it... fun when you move to another country, your parents are on the other side of the world.. and you really find out, shit.. this is the real world.. puts things in perspective. glad I'm the nice prince charming good boy I am ans stay on the right side of the law.. and the right side of most people i meet!

- I finally learned the trick about dutch pannekakes... glad I took with me "boller & burritos", the cooking book I got when I was 13...

- knuffel is a funny and nice word.. odd how the dutch language has some charming treasures of some words hidden within it..

- small things like nailclippers etc have an annoying habbit of hiding when you need then, and just lying around when you don't need them

- annoying to go out to the shops on a sunday when you have no idea when the shops are actually open, and when they close

- wondering if I actually would like all the juices I'm drinking these days if I could translate so I knew what kind of fruits and berries are in there.. maybe it's a good thing to trust in blindness?

japp, thats about it..

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