Friday, March 21, 2008


well.. I think it's easter about now....
I've never really celebrated easter that much... but.. sitting alone in a big city just fighting with google and youtube, trying to do some research.. that really blows....
howeever.. everything has possetive aspects.. e.g. I can eat all of the pannecakes myself. mohaha

so.. tommorow, Iæm going to the store.. buying shitloads of candy... it will be... sweet(?).

some things that came to mind..

is it possible to give yourself an effective back massage?

the small intro's before movies.. I think they make me really happy, but.. aren't they really a waste of time often?

is my heating oven supposed to not give any heat?

is there anything better than to speak to an old and very dear friend when you haven't talked to gether in many months?

is easter a good reason for a good party at the irish pub?

if tap water naturally tasted some funky fruit flavour, would people then think highly of them selves when they bought water that didnæt taste like anything.. or water if you prefer..?

does anybody in the world have green eyes with silver spots?

if the monster in the washingmachine eats socks... who eats washing machine monsters?

*diving within odd mental layers*

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