Wednesday, November 26, 2008


Got extremly irritated yesterday for 3 reasons..

I was watching black and white television.... My grandfather had been playing with the TV and done something strange.. isn't it crazy how you can be so used to something in colour, that you just don't get the same mind nummening satisfaction by seeing it in a different way.. now he's been playing with it more by the way, so we have colour, but only have two super crappy channels E! and Zone reality.. boring as hell, I want my american comedies dam it!

just picked up a ringing telephone call here at my grandparents place... from a machine (!!)... "hello, this is a questionare thingy.. are you over 18, push 1, are you under, push 2..." how fucking lazy and rude isn't that!??! calling old people with good hearts that always try to help others... if you want something, send a letter! bums!

I was at the doctors, trying to check up why my ankle is still making me limp even though the swelling vanished weeks ago.. the dude didn't even look at my foot, just said, oh, thats blablabla.. hehe, no idea what it's called in english.. when I was there I had the smart idea, dude, can't we check my balls for cancer, abit concerned, know alot of people whom have had to chop one of theirs off... the ass managed first to tell me I was too young, bullshit, no people that are younger than me whom have been ballylightend for years.. so I asked wouldn't that be kind of stupid if I waited to check it untill 2years time when I have enough small sores to force me to the doctor again probably, as I heard this roumor that cancer can spread..... "not a problem, that would be very strange if it happend".
What I'm trying to say here is.. why the fuck is it that doctors don't give a shit about actually finding out what is wrong with their patients, and then getting them well!? they just wanna get you in and toss you out ASAP!
Does anybody know a male doctor that is just about finished his education? I want to talk to him... grab hold of him, get drunk with him, and make him my doctor untill I die, and make sure that he knows that if he ever treats me or any other patients like some annoying people that are only comming to the doctors office to fuck up their day.. I'll smash up his car and run away with his sister... no body should want me with their sister.. hehe =p

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