okay... be patient with this one.. think I might have a point.. or a question.. not really sure yet.. =)
There are lots of different types of people in the world...
Many people have lots of different sides of themselves..
I know with myself that I have this very silent side, that just likes to sit, observe, think..
and I have a side that is more the super social, cant stop talking to people, super impulsive etc..
theres is the business man side, the sensetive side, the artistic side, the sporty side (don't see him that much) and etc etc.. endless list almost..
How is it that we choose what side of our personality we show day to day, hour to hour?
I have been thinking about women... why is it that I can walk down the street and see to girls that are so incredibly different; one maybe a snowboard chick, baggy pants, huge jacket, messy hair.... the other, looking like a petit french... don't have words for it even.. and then I might even see a typical blonde bimbo and think.. wow, there is something there that is just fantastic and unike...
how is this possible?
Schizophrenia, could it be that I am suffering from it?
that my mind could go in so many different directions?
are most people any different? ..must be really boring if you can only stay in the one mindsett all the time
I think I had something I actually wanted to get out with this post.. but really have no clue now what it is.... strange...
Friday, November 28, 2008
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Got extremly irritated yesterday for 3 reasons..
I was watching black and white television.... My grandfather had been playing with the TV and done something strange.. isn't it crazy how you can be so used to something in colour, that you just don't get the same mind nummening satisfaction by seeing it in a different way.. now he's been playing with it more by the way, so we have colour, but only have two super crappy channels E! and Zone reality.. boring as hell, I want my american comedies dam it!
just picked up a ringing telephone call here at my grandparents place... from a machine (!!)... "hello, this is a questionare thingy.. are you over 18, push 1, are you under, push 2..." how fucking lazy and rude isn't that!??! calling old people with good hearts that always try to help others... if you want something, send a letter! bums!
I was at the doctors, trying to check up why my ankle is still making me limp even though the swelling vanished weeks ago.. the dude didn't even look at my foot, just said, oh, thats blablabla.. hehe, no idea what it's called in english.. when I was there I had the smart idea, dude, can't we check my balls for cancer, abit concerned, know alot of people whom have had to chop one of theirs off... the ass managed first to tell me I was too young, bullshit, no people that are younger than me whom have been ballylightend for years.. so I asked wouldn't that be kind of stupid if I waited to check it untill 2years time when I have enough small sores to force me to the doctor again probably, as I heard this roumor that cancer can spread..... "not a problem, that would be very strange if it happend".
What I'm trying to say here is.. why the fuck is it that doctors don't give a shit about actually finding out what is wrong with their patients, and then getting them well!? they just wanna get you in and toss you out ASAP!
Does anybody know a male doctor that is just about finished his education? I want to talk to him... grab hold of him, get drunk with him, and make him my doctor untill I die, and make sure that he knows that if he ever treats me or any other patients like some annoying people that are only comming to the doctors office to fuck up their day.. I'll smash up his car and run away with his sister... no body should want me with their sister.. hehe =p
I was watching black and white television.... My grandfather had been playing with the TV and done something strange.. isn't it crazy how you can be so used to something in colour, that you just don't get the same mind nummening satisfaction by seeing it in a different way.. now he's been playing with it more by the way, so we have colour, but only have two super crappy channels E! and Zone reality.. boring as hell, I want my american comedies dam it!
just picked up a ringing telephone call here at my grandparents place... from a machine (!!)... "hello, this is a questionare thingy.. are you over 18, push 1, are you under, push 2..." how fucking lazy and rude isn't that!??! calling old people with good hearts that always try to help others... if you want something, send a letter! bums!
I was at the doctors, trying to check up why my ankle is still making me limp even though the swelling vanished weeks ago.. the dude didn't even look at my foot, just said, oh, thats blablabla.. hehe, no idea what it's called in english.. when I was there I had the smart idea, dude, can't we check my balls for cancer, abit concerned, know alot of people whom have had to chop one of theirs off... the ass managed first to tell me I was too young, bullshit, no people that are younger than me whom have been ballylightend for years.. so I asked wouldn't that be kind of stupid if I waited to check it untill 2years time when I have enough small sores to force me to the doctor again probably, as I heard this roumor that cancer can spread..... "not a problem, that would be very strange if it happend".
What I'm trying to say here is.. why the fuck is it that doctors don't give a shit about actually finding out what is wrong with their patients, and then getting them well!? they just wanna get you in and toss you out ASAP!
Does anybody know a male doctor that is just about finished his education? I want to talk to him... grab hold of him, get drunk with him, and make him my doctor untill I die, and make sure that he knows that if he ever treats me or any other patients like some annoying people that are only comming to the doctors office to fuck up their day.. I'll smash up his car and run away with his sister... no body should want me with their sister.. hehe =p
Saturday, November 22, 2008
in my head right now..
I was just thinking.. isn't it strange how we as people so often have the urge to express ourselves in one way or another... e.g. some people (I'm often one of those), just can't stop talking, yet there is so much that we choose to keep to ourselves. You can kind of see that somebody is struggling with something.. yet, they just don't want to talk about it... can't really find an answer to why...
decided that I actually am a fan of very much about the USA.. love the way they integrate sports in schools... college football, fantastic.. keeps alumni connected to the institution, can't find that in Norway
I wonder if you had a massage chair and the possibility to get a new standup commedian to entertain you for breakfast every morning... would life be even better?
decided that I actually am a fan of very much about the USA.. love the way they integrate sports in schools... college football, fantastic.. keeps alumni connected to the institution, can't find that in Norway
I wonder if you had a massage chair and the possibility to get a new standup commedian to entertain you for breakfast every morning... would life be even better?
Monday, November 17, 2008
Oslo aka. whoretown
The English word whore derives from the Old English word hōra (from the Indo-European root kā meaning "desire"). Use of the word whore is widely considered pejorative, especially in its modern slang form of ho'. In Germany most prostitutes' organizations deliberately use the word Hure (whore) since they feel that prostitute is a bureaucratic term. Those seeking to remove the social stigma associated with prostitution often promote terminology such as commercial sex worker (CSW) or sex trade worker. A hooker or streetwalker solicits customers in public places; a call girl makes appointments by phone.
from: wikipedia
wasn't that usefull info...
just saw on the news that there are 25oo hookers in Oslo... isn't there like only half a million people living here? if all these women actually work enough to afford food in oslo.. and food here is of the rather mucho dinero type.. it must meen that there are alot of horny ass dudes in Norway.. not really something new, but that desperate?
I meen, no offence, but there are rather many easy girls in this city already.. and they don't even charge.. I am confused...
why do we talk so badly about whores when they at least are smart enough to get paid for it..
wonder how big the number would be if all the easy girls got paid also........
from: wikipedia
wasn't that usefull info...
just saw on the news that there are 25oo hookers in Oslo... isn't there like only half a million people living here? if all these women actually work enough to afford food in oslo.. and food here is of the rather mucho dinero type.. it must meen that there are alot of horny ass dudes in Norway.. not really something new, but that desperate?
I meen, no offence, but there are rather many easy girls in this city already.. and they don't even charge.. I am confused...
why do we talk so badly about whores when they at least are smart enough to get paid for it..
wonder how big the number would be if all the easy girls got paid also........
Friday, November 14, 2008
Norwegian greats

Sometimes you really understand what it is that you constantly feel that you are missing..
A couple of week ago, I was in Rotterdam and the only thing that went threw my mind was that I missed the connection to nature that I feel is so much more pushed in your face in Norway..
but now I have realized that it is so much more.. apart from my friends and family, odd scandinavian humour, cute girls, extreme makeover home edition that almost always makes me cry just a little bit...
but most important of all.. food!
junk food even..
Pizza Grandiosa...
probably the most sold
food in the country.. I think that if

And then, there is my baby to the left here... chocalte pudding... maaaaan, it is so simple... but so goooood, ate a 1L of it it 5min yesterday.. naaaaaaaaaam, could eat it by the ton.. give me more. namnamnam!!
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
the hobo
I was super happy with myself last week, beeing dressed up, looking good, ang getting great service and sense of respect from people I walked past.
but after that assult, haha, faaantastic!
I noticed myself limping around Oslo, with a crappy beard, messy&greasy hair, a black eye and a plastic bag from one of the cheapest supermarkets in town.. people staring at me, trying to get me out of their shops as fast as possible.. strange..
Really strange to show up to a meeting with my client on tuesday with a black eye and a limp.. apperantly they didn't belive me until today that I had been knocked down, they thought I was this trouble maker that had been in a fight.. aint it grand when people are abit judgemental? =)
my assignment is getting clearer, and I'm very possetive about it all, looks like I will be finished abit earlier than I originally belived, so, if I'm realllllly lucky, I might be able to go on a small cheap trip to wales for a long weekend, sweeeet.
watching tv right now, this girl my age with over a million kroner in debt, the only thing she ownes is a crappy car and alot of designer clothes.. crazy woman! how is it possible to use 28thousand kroner on clothes a month? ... not that I couldnæt do it EASY, but.. daaaam!
makes me feel abit sad for her.. and make me ask myself, why am I broke, only have some hundred thousands in debt because of school.. but I cant afford to by anything...
oh sugar daddy, sugar daddy, where art thou my sugar daddy (or sugar momma!=p)
but after that assult, haha, faaantastic!
I noticed myself limping around Oslo, with a crappy beard, messy&greasy hair, a black eye and a plastic bag from one of the cheapest supermarkets in town.. people staring at me, trying to get me out of their shops as fast as possible.. strange..
Really strange to show up to a meeting with my client on tuesday with a black eye and a limp.. apperantly they didn't belive me until today that I had been knocked down, they thought I was this trouble maker that had been in a fight.. aint it grand when people are abit judgemental? =)
my assignment is getting clearer, and I'm very possetive about it all, looks like I will be finished abit earlier than I originally belived, so, if I'm realllllly lucky, I might be able to go on a small cheap trip to wales for a long weekend, sweeeet.
watching tv right now, this girl my age with over a million kroner in debt, the only thing she ownes is a crappy car and alot of designer clothes.. crazy woman! how is it possible to use 28thousand kroner on clothes a month? ... not that I couldnæt do it EASY, but.. daaaam!
makes me feel abit sad for her.. and make me ask myself, why am I broke, only have some hundred thousands in debt because of school.. but I cant afford to by anything...
oh sugar daddy, sugar daddy, where art thou my sugar daddy (or sugar momma!=p)
Monday, November 10, 2008
the welcome...
well, I'm in Norway again, starting on my process tomorrow morning, looking forward to it.
I've used my long weekend just to relax abit, meet some friends, get a roundkick in the face that knocked me out by some polish drughead bastard, so know I have a black eye, a sore face and an ankle the size of a small planet.. crap..
was at the movies yesterday, saw the new Bond flick... good stuff, 5 out of 6!
any tips how to get free food?
I've used my long weekend just to relax abit, meet some friends, get a roundkick in the face that knocked me out by some polish drughead bastard, so know I have a black eye, a sore face and an ankle the size of a small planet.. crap..
was at the movies yesterday, saw the new Bond flick... good stuff, 5 out of 6!
any tips how to get free food?
Thursday, November 6, 2008
the plane
thanks to the great dutch railways beeing on time as always...........
I managed to miss my checkin time at the airport yesterday, so I had to by a new ticket...
and I didn't have any money on my account...
but, by coincidence, I had dressed up abit yesterday..
and I noticed that people treated me differently very much because of it..
I got great service, old busniess people at the airport gave me appreciative nods.. very strange..
anyway, I wrote down some things that came to me when I was sitting on the plane..
Dress propper, get propper service
Be nice, and people are nice to you
Disaster can turn into pure luck if you accept that the way and time you wanted something to happen might have to change
If you want to do something sustainable, dont create something brand new, Improve something that is already existing
so, all that didn't really fit together at all, but, simple yet wise enough words for anybody to bring with them I think..
so, what is happening..
I just arrived in Norway again yesterday, going to be here for a month about as a part of my process semester client exam.. I'm going to be working in a department of NRK (Norwegian broadcasting corperation). I'm really looking forward to it, however, I feel that to be as prepared as possible I should gather some more theory first, so today and untill tuesday my main mission is to read a book called systems thinking.. not the most exciting book in the world..but, not everything you do should be as fun I think..
so.. off to find a nice place to sit for abit..
I managed to miss my checkin time at the airport yesterday, so I had to by a new ticket...
and I didn't have any money on my account...
but, by coincidence, I had dressed up abit yesterday..
and I noticed that people treated me differently very much because of it..
I got great service, old busniess people at the airport gave me appreciative nods.. very strange..
anyway, I wrote down some things that came to me when I was sitting on the plane..
Dress propper, get propper service
Be nice, and people are nice to you
Disaster can turn into pure luck if you accept that the way and time you wanted something to happen might have to change
If you want to do something sustainable, dont create something brand new, Improve something that is already existing
so, all that didn't really fit together at all, but, simple yet wise enough words for anybody to bring with them I think..
so, what is happening..
I just arrived in Norway again yesterday, going to be here for a month about as a part of my process semester client exam.. I'm going to be working in a department of NRK (Norwegian broadcasting corperation). I'm really looking forward to it, however, I feel that to be as prepared as possible I should gather some more theory first, so today and untill tuesday my main mission is to read a book called systems thinking.. not the most exciting book in the world..but, not everything you do should be as fun I think..
so.. off to find a nice place to sit for abit..
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