on sunday, Lillestrøm SK, the best football team in the world (in heart anyway) won a fantastic 4-2 in a tough game against the arragont pricks from the mustasj city of trondheim, non other than Rosenbork BK.
this victory meens that LSK will be seen in the top division in Norway for the 35. year in a row. Glory!! longest in the history of norwegian football.
The picture above is of me standing in the crowd, looking like a tard during a home game during the summer.
Hopefully, I'm not the only one that noticed how much of a god Magnus Myklebust seemed like when he was on his left wing sunday, fan-frickin-tastic...
Oh I do love it when my mates update their blogs. And especially you and the others who live abroad as it's an excellent way of keeping up to date on all your exciting lives -- even when you talk about football.
I have a football team too: Fulham FC. I know a few things about them: They beat Arsenal in August. Their chairman is Mohamed Al Fayed who also owns Harrods, Hugh Grant once worked there as an assistant groundsman, their stadium, Craven Cottage, is right on the bank of the Thames. And they've two Norwegian players! who would have thought I'd know so much about one football team ay?
Now if only I knew as much about you my darling...
Well, since we're on this english speaking( or writing wold be more like it) trail, it would only make sense that we communicate on english as well! And with that said I would like to concur on your expert analysis of the picture taken of you.
Hehe,what are friends for if they can't tell you the truth;)Think that has to do with my more general opinion of football fanatics.
Anyways, keep up the blogging dude!
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