Thursday, May 8, 2008

May project

What a great feeling, traveling for hours to go to a meeting with a "bigshot" that works in what could be translated to the ministry of water... me walking in the door with flip flops and some teared up cargo shorts, the other guys looked like they hadn't shaved for a couple of weeks...
to be able to sit down, and get a kick ass project that many proffesionals would go to long lengths to get... I just LOVE being a KaosPilot

not going to give more info about the project yet, but I'll say it's about finding new ways to manage water, and collect innovative ideas on the subject.. super cool!

other fun things.. KaosWorks, (the company we are setting up so that we as KaosPilot students can work with the tools we learn, to get money to pay for our education..), is now to be known as KaosKompany.. looking forward to get things going on it!

it is just too warm and great outside now... never like Rotterdam as much as I do when the sun is shining...

love life

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