todays the day.. My football team has yet again the possibility to win a game, and make sure that we don't end up in a lower division next season.. I'm nervous... abit sick in my stomach.. could have something to do with the booze last night.. or the lack of food so far today.. or that I ate sooo much yesterday.... was at "fårikålfest" (mutton in cabbage party) at the norwegian sailors church...
it was gooood.. and I managed to take my love of waffles to a new level by eating one between every helping of the greasy food..
what else is on my mind...
well.. I'm still looking for smart ass ways to get some more cash... never had so little money as I do now..
I'm thinking way too far ahead.. wat I should do for my internship and for my final project at the KaosPilots.. not having to do it before a year.. but I want to do something great.. not really great for the world.. but something great for my world...
this week, I have the purpose in life to be happy and loving, and hopefully, be beeing so, I can help make other people happy and loved... kind of hippy, but, well, shit happens =)
OH, know about a really nice jumper I want, if somebody has an urge to spend money on somebody else...
trying to redefine my style abit I think... kind of hard to do that actually, at least when I don't have money to buy what I feel I need.. not used to that, when I worked in shops, I would just go and buy a new outfit or 4, and be really happy with my self.. another bad eksampel that change is good i guess..
I'm playing alot with dreams.. what do I want my life to be like in 5-10 years.. it all seems so far and distant, kind of irritating..
other things in life than money that I miss right now....
my friends from home
my home (parents rented out our house when they moved to australia.. doh!)
my family
knowing what will happen in life.. 1 week from now, not to mention 1 month, 1 year..
having a special someone
getting a lucky chance/ free something from someone...
but, at the sametime, I have all these lacks.. I feel really happy about life in some way...
maybe I just don't really know inside me what I am missing in other ways than materialistic things..
oh, I'm trying to find out more concretly, what is my artistic side.. anyone have a clue what it is?
and some some info about stuff I do know about that is comming up in the future...
going to Norway soon, doing a process for a devision of NRK (norwegian tv channel).
going to wales to visit a good friend of mine that is studying there
comming back to Rotterdam to do an exam
back to Oslo for 2 exams
off to australia to celebrate x-mas with the familia
and by the way.. I am wondering why so many olg guys have glasses that are .. well, harry potter like, ugly and round.. (sorry spinder, they do actually look good on you..)
does anybody have a couch in oslo for november?