Tuesday, February 26, 2008


maybe an idea to share what I'm up to at school these days... so... ok, here it goes.. hehe

-planning a 10day roadtrip (maybe traveling in an old fire engine) in europe to find out "what is social innovation?". make a movie out of it.. and I'm in charge of the movie behind the movie.. nice!
-webpage... well, I'm the student that is helping plan, change and uppdate the webpage www.kaospilots.nl
-I'm heading of a team of student trying to find a new location for our school. weirder is better. know about a good place in Rotterdam? let me know!
-TNO. a dutch company, had a good meeting with them today.. I'll uppdate on what we will be doing.. later!
-KaosWorks. me and 3others in the team are starting a company so we can sell our kp skills. very cool!
-looks like I might be in charge of starting off the kaospilot international student board

ok.. know I have forgot something.. but.. point is.. lots of fun projects!!! and yes I know.. really short and shitty job of telling what they are.. but.. atleast.. know you might have a clue.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

a little quicky..

well.. about time to uppdate here again, had muchi stuff to do the last week, moving into a new apartment, had alot to do at school, we are in our buisness design module.. alot of work, but muy muy interesting!!

biggest problems in my life these days...

- remembering to buy a shiwer curtain
- having a stove that doesn't work
- having a bike with a flat
- finally buying shelves at ikea, getting home, opening them, and finding out that they are the wrong ones.. jupp.. gotta go back..
- cash.. or lack of... solid proof that there is no god, if there was, I would have got a student loan from some where..


cool stuff happening..

- starting up a company with some of my team mates, that will enable us to get some cash.. sweet! gotta love win-win-win mindsets in companies.
- I have a purple carpet with white paintstains.. love it!
- the sun is shining... atleast abit... shame that it still is fucking cold outside.. but it looks nice..
- finally gonna get my haircut... just don't know how.. where... or when.. but.. atleast going to remove 1cm.. if not 30... hmm.. time will show..
- I'll get internet in my flat in a couple of weeks.. then I can actually update with all the stuff racing in my mind from my balcony... que perfecto!

ok, gotta run and play some basket ball..

love for everyone and everything.... or not.. everything is dependendt on something or someone..

Sunday, February 3, 2008

WHAT was that?!?!

Carneval.. need I say more?
Me and two of the guys from the team hopped on the train on friday afternoon in direction of Tilburg, a small town in the south, about an hour from Rotterdam...
loooong story short.. we gressed up as some odd sekt people with some friends there. we got totally plasterd.... so much tht the danish guy had to go home on the saturday allready......
Ans then on the saturday we drank some more... twice.. I manged to hit myself in the mouth with a metal plate... so got a "cool" little scar there now..
fuck it, I'm too tierd to tell anything.. i'll just say that I'm going back next year!
but way before that.. like right now...me go nappy!
